bp11_20091014_Web 2.0 allows users to create an online school. I could really see this tool used in an online college class, but I think that it has elements that can work great in public schools as well. There are so many tools incorporated into this site from messaging, chat, wikis, blogs, widgets, groups and multimedia to creating assignments, rubrics, and calendars, just to name a few. I could see using this in the classroom to create groups for each of my classes or bands. I could post new music or videos that I find that I want students to explore. Having a discussion board, would allow students to talk to each other and with me about music.
Each student could also create a blog, which his or her classmates and myself could comment on. also allows students to create a digital portfolio of their work. The best part of is the element of control over who sees your profile. This makes a safer place for students to be on, than say Facebook or MySpace.
As with all other social networking sites, parent permission would be imperative. I would encourage parents to also join the network and join the parent group, so that they were aware of what was going on in the classroom. Even if I only use a couple of the features of the site, it would definitely be worth it, having a safe and constructive place that my students could communicate with each other and me.
References: (2009). The free, easy way to teach and learn online. Retrieved on October 14, 2009, from
Wow, this is really cool! I've been frustrated that ning sites are blocked in my district. But it seems like Edu2.0 might be what I'm looking for. A way to create a "network" for my orchestra students. I love it!
Thanks again, Alicia!